As an independent scholar, I am specialized in the liberal tradition in international political theory. I am a Dutch national, live in The Hague, and work as a manager of corporate communications.

Grootspraak een podcast van Jort Kelder over Thorbecke op Loevestein, door stichting vrienden van Slot LoevesteinIn my academic work I am fascinated by the different views on international relations within liberal political thought, and my aim and motivation for research and writing is to shed light on these differences, and to make other scholars aware of the existence of an intra-liberal conversation on international affairs.

I am the author of four books, most recently Human Nature & World Affairs. An Introduction to Classical Liberalism and International Relations Theory (2023). I also wrote Degrees of Freedom. Liberal Political Philosophy and Ideology (2015),  Beloved Yet Unknown. The Political Philosophy of Liberalism (2011, in Dutch), and Classical Liberalism and International Relations Theory. Hume, Smith, Mises and Hayek (2009).

My articles and chapters on liberal international thought and liberal thinkers, most notably Hume, Smith, Mises, Hayek and Rand, appeared among others in The Review of International Studies, International Relations, Contemporary Southeast Asia, and International Politics. I also regularly write for a more general public.

In the past I have been a visiting fellow and lecturer in political theory at John Tomasi’s Political Theory Project at Brown University, a lecturer in international relations and political economy at the Institute of Political Science at Leiden University, and a lecturer in international relations at the European Studies Program at Ateneo de Manila University.

In 2008 I received my PhD in International Political Theory from Maastricht University. I also earned a MSc in International Relations from the London School of Economics and Political Science (1997) and a MA in Political Science from Leiden University (1996).

Contact me at: edwinvdhaar [at]